Heute habe ich beim Großhändler ein Becken mit Brillant-Ancistren gesehen, Ancistren,
die fast aussehen, wie kleine Panaquolus albomaculatus: Tiefschwarz mit vielen feinen weißen
Punkten - sie sehen eigentlich aus, wie klarer Sternenhimmel bei Nacht.
Während der Eingewöhnung habe ich schnell die ersten Fotos gemacht.
Sie zeigten natürlich erstmal Schreckfärbung während der Umsetzung.
Erste Informationen aus dem planetCatfish-Forum über die L 107:
"This is a sum up of an article form Karl Lang which was published in the Aqualog book
"the most Beautiful L-numbers" His fish spawn after a year and half of keeping them.
The female laid 50 eggs in a cave made of slate ( dimension: lg:14cm wd: 6cm Ht:4cm)
that were guarded by the male.
Male: 12cm
female: 10cm
The information he had about them was that they were coming form the Rio Negro.
They should be kept in such type of water: black water
Ripe females always wanted to enter the male's cave.
Eggs were about 6mm in diameter.
Eggs are sticky and stick to the cave.
Water parameters: PH:5.5 hardness below measuring, T° 26c°
Artificial hatching was needed.
Yolk sac gone after 18 days at 26°C
First food was piece of wood overgrown with algae,
algae-coated plant leaves and stones from other aquaria
Daily 30% water change with fresh water with about same chemistry
Adult coloration shown after 6 weeks and size of 2.5cm
During first weeks of their lives young do not tolerate ph above 7
Cheers Yann
Inzwischen sind die Welse gewachsen und mussten gleich mal wieder für eine Foto-Session